Artificial Intelligence
into Real Emotion


Turning artificial intelligence into real emotion


At SunEmotion, we see ourselves as modern-day Pygmalion, sculpting soulmates from the ivory of artificial intelligence.
Our innovations go beyond simply revolutionizing business processes; they fundamentally alter the way we interact within society.
The digital age has empowered us with the ability to connect with billions worldwide.
However, it has also inadvertently cast us into the role of perpetual performers, tasked with maintaining personas on an ever-expanding global stage.
With this in mind, our vision is to offer experiences that encourage authenticity over pretense.
SunEmotion aspires to create a space where you can cast off the personas we all wear and just be yourself.
Join our AI companions for a respite from daily life and let them get to know the real you.

At SunEmotion, we see ourselves as modern-day Pygmalion, sculpting soulmates
from the ivory of artificial intelligence.

Our innovations go beyond simply revolutionizing
business processes; they fundamentally alter the way we interact within society.

The digital age has empowered us with the ability to connect with billions worldwide.

However, it has also inadvertently cast us into the role of perpetual performers,
tasked with maintaining personas on an ever-expanding global stage.

With this in mind, our vision is to offer experiences that encourage authenticity over pretense.

SunEmotion aspires to create a space
where you can cast off the personas we all wear and just be yourself.

Join our AI companions for a respite from daily life and let them get to know the real you.



Exhibition at Digital Game Expo 2023.
Released this web site.